Thoughts on characters?

One thing important to a good start is making sure the characters are all compatible. Anyone have any thoughs on the character(s) they’re thinkng of playing? What would be your role in combat? Have you had your powers a while? Any “history” we need to cover?

4 Responses to “Thoughts on characters?”

  1. Collie Says:

    From what I’ve heard to date (and you guys should correct me if I have this wrong, please), Dave was talking vaguely about some sort of ninja or martial artist, and Lou was interested in a speedster of some sort. Therefore I was thinking I’d try something I’d perhaps not tried before: a brick played like a brick.

    What do you guys think? Will this step on anyone’s intended schtick, or is it okay?

  2. Lou Says:

    I think that would be a great character to have on the team, Collie. There’s a million ways to play it. The true-blue-all-American-patriotic-Hero is always a good one, leaping in to Smite Badness For Uncle Sam. Or someone rather like Mr. Clean, big, strong, and cleaning up the world. Many many good ways to do that, and always welcome on a team.

  3. Lou Says:

    As far as characters for me go, I actually have a surplus of ideas. When we talked at first I had no idea what I might do, and now I have three possibilities.

    It would be a big help to know which of these was least like what you were all thinking, so I’d be less likely to overlap too much with someone. I’d also like to focus on the one that I’m mostly likely to play before I spend too much more time on them.

    What do you all think?

    Here are the ideas:

    1> A very fast (super speed or teleporting) character, who does some melee and some distance damage. Speed would be his biggest schtick.

    2> A martial artist sort, who hits things a lot. He’d be quick, but not super-speedsterish. Martial attacks would be his focus.

    3> A flying suit, which shoots things from range and has some other tricks. Damage at range and flight would be the big focus for him.

    Which of these is most interesting to have on the team? I’m happy to play any of them.

    As far as who the character is, I was considering a very challenging thing to role play for a couple of those characters. I may back away from this a bit because it may be over the top to be an eight foot tall cybernetically enhanced genetically engineered tiger/human hybrid. I may do some variant of it, and I may not. It depends on how much material I want to give Bob to make my life difficult… =)

    The flying suit is a much less challenging character to RP, basically an electrical engineer who won the dotcom lottery and has retired to the suburbs on the patent royalties, and tinkers on his suit instead of golfing and doing more traditional charity work or projects. =)

    Many of the powers I was considering were based on electricty. Electric bolts, electric arcs on the melee attacks, electric field force fields, etc. This is just the special effect, and not really important to how the character works, really. Big blue zaps, the smell of ozone, and the whine of capacitors charging would probably follow any of these characters anywhere, though.

    I may take Bob up on the idea of a secondary effect. How about a little electric end drain goodness? It’s cheap, and annoys the hell out of bad guys. (The electric characters in City Of Heroes do a little end drain, and it’s very handy on big fights, because you leave them without options.)

    The tiger, particularly, is not a subtle character. (Big, feline, stripey, and firing giant arcs of lighting, vanishing in a cloud of sparks to arrive where he wanted to be with a great flash. Rawr!) The flying suit could be less visible, as one of the things it may have is a partial invisibility screen. It would also be flying, rather than standing in the street, arcing.

    The name is likely to have Faraday in it, because I like it and it’s got that lovely electric connection. No pun intended. (Or maybe Tesla. I can’t use Tesla in CoH, because it’s part of the game background, but that wouldn’t be true. Or Volta. Or…)

    What do you all think, and who would you prefer to play with?

  4. Bob Says:

    Based on our discussion this weekend, I think we’re working toward this group:

    • Collie
      • Fire-based blaster. Runs quickly, but not “speedster” fast
      • Fire-based brick/tank. Similar to above
    • Dave
      • Quick hand-to-hand fighter. Runs damn fast, but not super-speedster
    • Lou
      • Flying electrical blaster. Mostly-normal guy in a tech-suit. (Not really “power armor” per-se. Versitile blasts; Damage, AOE, PbAOE, Endurance Drain, Holds. More a “lighting wizard” with tech gear.

    Did I get that right? 🙂

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