Archive for July, 2006

Session: 2006-Jul-29

Saturday, July 29th, 2006

Player Characters: Bonfire, Electric Fox, Vivace.

((Session notes soon.))

Session: 2006-Jul-22

Saturday, July 22nd, 2006

Player Characters: Bonfire, Electric Fox, Vivace.

((Session notes to follow.))

Session: 2006-Jul-15

Saturday, July 15th, 2006

No session this week. The GM was just pooped.
Some housekeeping and “wish list” discussion.

Session: 2006-Jul-08

Saturday, July 8th, 2006

Player Characters: Bonfire, Electric Fox, Vivace.

Captain Stanfield of GRYPHON meets with our heroes to discuss their “public persona” and introduce them to Lieutenant David Schmidt, who will be their permanent point of contact with GRYPHON. Our heroes later discuss their goals and clarify their understanding of what they want to be doing. They decide to present themselves as investigators of unusual and unbelievable events.

They set up an answering service and communications relay. The service will answer calls, deal with the flakes, direct simple requests to the proper authorities, etc. Some of the first “real” requests are from news outlets wanting interviews. They speak with someone from the newspapers, and a slightly favorable article appears. One of the main questions in the article is, “Who are these people?”

Follow-up on the warehouse seems to indicate it was also being used for training of some sort, and a few of the Network Zero power packs were found. Detective Cox calls Electric Fox with information about some of the weapons found at the warehouse and in a nearby vehicle. He’s happy to let our heroes have them, since they seem to be somewhat “off the record.”

After examining them, they seem to be either lower-grade than the other Network Zero weapons they’ve seen or perhaps older models. Bonfire points out to Electric Fox that some of the wiring seems a bit odd, and they decide the weapons are rigged to self-destruct, perhaps on some external signal. The idea of telling the Highwaymen that their guns are booby-trapped is discussed.

After some discussion with Det. Cox about the details of the three robberies, the fact that three trucks left the warehouse assmbly point but only two are accounted for leads our heroes to decide to visit Sanderson Electronics. This is the robbery that involved Thunderstrike, who flew to the warehouse carrying the prototype electrical generator.

Our heroes discover an abandoned truck there. They find the back of the truck is half full of electronic equipment and a kind of metal framework. No power at all, no status, no lights. They call GRYPHON, who shows up to scan our heroes, take the truck, etc.

((Needs an update to be less terse.))

Session: 2006-Jul-01

Saturday, July 1st, 2006

Player Characters: Bonfire, Electric Fox, Vivace.

Set up outside the warehouse. It’s not clear which company was robbed, but it quickly becomes clear all of them have been hit.

A big truck pulls up and unloads. It’s escorted by Ms. Beetle and Steel Monkey. Ms. Beetle is known to work with/for the Highwaymen, but Steel Monkey is a surprise. (They don’t seem to be getting along.)

A flying paranormal arrives, carrying one of the stolen devices in a field of force. Bonfire recognizes him as a merc named Thunderstrike

Our heroes decide to jump them before even more criminal paranormals arrive. Electric Fox tied up Thunderstrike and Ms. Beetle so the others could mop up the bad guys on the ground. Crimson Star had just the right tool to take out Steel Monkey, and did so with Bonfire’s help. Vivace dealt with the thugs. Bonfire then took out Thunderstrike who seems have a fear of fire. Seeing the tide turn, Ms. Beetle fled. The thugs in the warehouse were quickly dealt with.

Some of the thugs had fled and (presumably) warned the third truck and Firepulse about the raid on the warehouse. The third truck got away from the police.

The police and GRYPHON show up shortly. They are pleased with our heroes cooperation and the lack of damage. The captives are hauled away.

((Needs an update to be less terse.))