Session: 2006-Jun-03

Player Characters: Bonfire, Electric Fox.

The Crimson Star contacts Electric Fox and tells him, “I’m investigating a rumor Zombie plans to intercept a shipment of weapons for the Highwaymen. It would be useful to know Zombie was distracted.

Electric Fox contacts his compatriots, Bonfire and Vivace, and over the next several days they do their best to keep the Zombies distracted, turning quite a few over to the police. During one of their operations, the group is ambushed by Dark Paradox but after a short flight, he “allows them to escape,” admonishing them to “Let this defeat teach you a lesson!” ..uh…right…

Keeping up the pressure on the Zomibes, they learn the man rumored to lead the Zombies, Uncle Moon may be in St. Louis to ensure things go well with the attack on the Highwaymen, and may not be happy with Diamond Heart’s recent failures. Later, one of the Zombie street thugs (privately) tells them Uncle Moon also plans to get something from some woman in St. Charles.

After conferring with Crimson Star, she thinks Uncle Moon is almost certainly after Roxy Zalack, a local enchantress with many connections to the super-hero community. Crimson knows where her shop is, and our heroes go to warn Roxy and find out what she knows (if anything) about the situation while Crimson goes to stake-out the place where the Highwaymen will be taking delivery of the weapons shipment.

They arrive at Death by Coffee (Roxy’s shop) and find it closed, but the door is unlocked. They investigate and discover a trinket stuck in the bulletin board by the door that seems to shiver or flash every time they say Roxy’s name. Using the trinket, the determine Roxy is probably somewhere in “Zombie Territory” on the North Side.

A call to Crimson reveals the weapon delivery seems to be shaping up at the abandoned rail spur where she is but they decide it is more important to find out Roxy’s role in this. While is doesn’t make her happy, Crimson will simply observe until they report back.

Our heroes find a guarded, abandoned warehouse–which the trinket points to from all directions when Roxy’s name is said. Bonfire goes in the front door to draw their attention while Electric Fox stealthily searches for Roxy.

Electric Fox surprises Dark Paradox guarding Roxy, and Bonfire disables the other Zombie thugs on the first floor. Bonfire makes her way to the second floor, the rest of the thugs are mopped up and Dark Paradox (again) flees “triumphant.”

Our heroes leave the scene with Roxy for some place less unpleasant to talk.

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